We all know it, but we don't talk about it loud. The sad truth - School is coming and we can't change it. It doesn't mean, that now I'm going to do BACK TO SCHOOL posts (they will be, but later)! The opposite way - I want you to have the best month before going back to school! You know, if you don't have any idea what to do and you're bored, I highly recommend to read that!
STAR TO WRITE A BLOG. You can read advice from a little blogger here. Seriously, it's one of the things, that I'm doing quite a long time and I'm still not bored, because I find so many things that I want to write about. Of course, not everyone like to write when they're not at school, but it has so many benefits! Find the theme that you want to write about (cooking, TV shows, hotels, fashion, lifestyle and etc.) and stick to it. If you will write from all your heart, followers will find you, but don't write just for them. You can create your own internet site and to take rules there - doesn't it sound cool?
Picture is from weheartit.com - BUILD A FORT. If your all friens are out and you are just sitting at home, watching "Cupcake Wars", I feel you. Thats why I built a fort. You can create your own abode and to take things done there. My fort I built from some chairs, a blanket and a bed wall. Inside I put lots of pillows, a book that I'm reading right now, a blanket, a computer and some healthy snacks. I spent my afternoon there and that was pretty cozy and cool.
Picture is from weheartit.com CREATE YOUR OWN CLOTHES/ RECIPES/ACCESORIES. It isn't very similar things, but if we think deeper, we know that they are important things in our lives. Sometimes clothes, accerosies and food, that we're eating is pretty boring, so why don't you start to change that? There are so many DIY's video on youtube how to make your own clothes or accesories and there are much more on food based videos. Get some ideas and try to make your own things!- FIND INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR DREAM JOB. Maybe you're still 12, maybe you're 18. If you're not sure what you want to do in the future, try to find information about this theme. The time you'll spend with it will really pay off! And it is never to early to try find yourself in different works.
- MAKE SUMMER PICTURE DIARY. If you have a blog, you can try to save memories there, but in my opinion, real hands work is something much special. You can write just regular diary and to tell for it about your memories also including lots of pictures (or cinema tickets, dried flowers, stickers and etc.). This is what I'm going to do for sure, because there is nothing better when you see, how much funs things you've been through!
- GET READY FOR BACK TO SCHOOL. I know, that is pretty basic, but try to get excited about this! Make new goals for new year, find activities, that you can join after school! DIY your supplies, get organized your room! Try new outfits and hair styles for school, get in shape. There are such a lot things, that you can do!
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Picture is from weheartit.com |
I hope that I helped you a little bit and I'm saying goodnight for tonight!
Įrašas man patiko, o tavo anglų kalbos žodynas nepasakyčiau, kad yra labai prastas :D kadangi tu manes negirdėjai angliškai šnekant ar rašant, kai kažkas kalba ar rašo ir skaitai atrodo, supranti, bet kai reik pačiai sakini suregzti - baisu :D
Turiu vieną pastebėjimą, pavadinime žodyje 'bebore' manau, sumaišei raides b ir f :)
Sėkmės toliau, lauksiu kiyų įrašų :)
aš labai tikiuosi, jog tobulėju, tačiau suprasti ir teisingai gramatiškai pateikti du skirtingi dalykai, esantys labai toli vienas kito, tad kol kad laaaabai džiaugiuosi, kad bent jau suprantamai rašau. Ačiū!
Oh, per žioplumą tą klaidą - ačiū, ištaisysiu! :):)
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