Tuesday, 16 August 2016


In August 4th, 2016 I wanted to say goodbye to all my besties. Friends, which helped me to dream big, who always were here with me. I am so thankful for them, because they are part of who I am. It wouldn't be cool just to skip this part of my new journey, because it will be such a big challenge for our friendship. Hope we can all hold it. Anyway, beside the fact that we have had a pretty nice night all together, they also gave me something to my journey. 

First, and I honestly think that the best and the most compulsive thing was this layer-cake. I don't have the real photo, but maybe it is the right time to show you, that my instagram is kinda active, so if you're interested in my exchange year, you should follow me and maybe add me to your snapchat (simona_berry). Anyway, it was minty cake (one of my most favourite flavour) with photoshoped (of course, in my head it is real) picture of me and Juri Pootsmann. You see, it is kind of joke, that he would me a really good boyfriend to me (laughing out loud): he singed in this year's Eurovision contest (and I'm pretty obsessive with this show), he also was an exchange student (in Denmark), he is tall and blonde. So I don't mind at all. Pretty good joke, pretty good cake.
I always was saying, that a selfiestick is just for people, who are really obsessive with themselves. Like, how many selfies do you have to do (and why you can't do that just in regular way) to buy this thing. But now, when I got it, I don't think it is that bad (I know, hypocritic, but I won't throw it away, it wouldn't be logical), when you travel a lot by yourself and you want to picture places with you in it. Useful thing for a traveller!
Passport's folder. Don't have anything more to add besides the fact, that the design is really reminding holidays. And I love it!
For a longer trips by plane or car they bought me a little travel set of pillow, sleeping mask and ear plugs.I think it would be pretty cool for a festival - it takes so little space, but it is so convinient.
I have a little fobia for bacteria, so my friends thought even about that I will be a lot in trains here, in Switzerland. Well, here they are much cleaner, but after or before food it will be just fine. And I love the flavours, peach and levanders!
Also I got lots of sūreliai (baltic thing and really delishious, I miss them now), funny (but private) pictures and a dish on which is written "Don't eat to much. You will be a pig". Well thanks a lot for the last one, it means a lot for me.

Until next time and I am saying goodnight for tonight!

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