I always say that the best drink is tea - lots of flavours, low in calories, can influence your activity or somnolency and it's the best brand for cozy evenings or lazy days near the pool. So today, to show you my tea obsession, I brought for you a "Tea tag". I found this in Lithuanian vlogger Lauritta channel and promised myself that one day I'll do it. So taday it's the day - grab a cup of tea and enjoy! And if you have a youtube channel or a blog, leave a link in the comment and please, if you want, do this tag too!
Pic is from the Pinterest |
Strong or weak?
I do not like a taste of really strong tea, especially if it's black, red or green tea (in other words - if the tea comes just from the tea tree), but in other cases, if it's homemade peach tea, mint or chai, I will enjoy it,if feel those strong senses in my mouth.
Hot or cold?
In winter time I prefer warm tea - I have very sensitive tongue and I get it burnt really often so I always wait until the tea has enjoyable temparature, but in summer my hands are all up for the cold drinks and tea - lots of ice and lots of fruit in it.
Loose leaf or tea bags?
If I buy tea, and trust me, it is a pretty usual ceremony, I prefer to choose tea in the special shop, where almost all kinds of this drink are prepared in the loose leaf jars. Then you can smell, you can buy less or more, you can mix it - really fun shopping. Sadly, when I want to make tea at home, I adore tea bags, because it's much easier, even if I know, that it has less vitamins.
Do you buy your tea or make it at home?
Make it at home. If I'm out, I prefer coffee, unless I see very interesting tea or I'm in the tea cafeteria. Otherwise, I think it's too expensive to pay for the tea, when at home I can make it just for a few cents.
Favourite cold tea?
I really like "Little Miracles" brand - it's healthy and has the refresh taste. At home I really love to make mint tea with bunch of ice, agave syrup or honey and pieces of peach. Delicious!
Favourite hot tea?
Mint tea with honey. It reminds my childhood and the tradition when me and my grandmother always were drinking this tea before bedtime. Good times, sweet times.
When do you like to drink your tea?
As I mentioned in the beginning - cozy evenings and pool days. I do not drink it in the mornings, because I don't have time to wait until the tea isn't hot (unless it's weekend). I like to enjoy my tea and drink it slowly, so near the book or tv show it's a good thing.
What do you like in your tea? Milk, Cream, Sugar and etc.

Have you always loved tea?
I have just one answer without any arguments - oh yes.
What tea do you recommend?
All my mentioned recipes and brands in this blog post are really good, so of course, I recommend them. And also, I love Clipper brand teas. It's a bit expensive, because this drink is organic, but they have so many good flavours combinations! And those you can't find anywhere else.
Do you have a favourite tea brand?
Clipper and Little Miracles, as I said.
Least favourite tea?
All teas with lots of artificial supplements. Or really strong teas.
Is there a particular snack you like to eat with your tea?
Biscuits. Buttery, chocolaty biscuits. And pies. Fatty, creamy pies.
What is your favourite mug?
Everyone knows that I have a big struggle with cups. I get them for presents, I buy them myself and I even paint them. So I can't choose one!
Lots of love and I'm saying goodnight for tonight!
Kaip myliu mėtinę arbatą... <3
Užsuk pas mane: http://sparnuotasiela.blogspot.lt/2016/05/pagaliau-save-prisiverciau-ir-grizau-i.html
Super. Jau seku tinklaraštį, tad jau esu apsilankiusi ir apsilankau:)
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