Sunday 21 February 2016


Some people asked me about this blog establishment - why do you need the second blog, when you have the Lithuanian one, which isn't as active. Well, my answer may sound banal, but I want to speak and read English very well and school work isn't enough for me (I'm not so good in languages). So I want to add small foreign routine to my daily life - sometimes write in English, sometimes speak in English, watch tv-series in English and read some books in English. Finally, I've read 3 non adapted books in their original language and today I really wanna share with you my thoughts about it!

First from them all - "Fangirl" written by Rainbow Rowell. I remember, that when I knew about this book I went crazy - I spent hours searching the online free book version (I've found lots of books in English online - but just haven't read them yet), but sadly 6 months went without nothing in my hands. When I was in Latvia (almost 1 year ago), Riga I found this book in their local bookshop (much bigger selection) and was really happy about this small detail in my journey. Anyway, you may ask, why I wanted to read this so badly? Well, as silly as it sounds, I'm obsessed with everything on common with universities and colleges - movies, youtube clips, events and of course, books. Secondly, the main character - Cath - is a popular blogger (and I'm obsessed with blogging too). So these to reasons which mean for me a cozy story made me feel, that I must to read that. And honestly, it was the most interesting plot from these 3 books. Of course, I read this in Italy, where was differently mood and atmosphere (and these factors for me mean a lot), but still if I have to recommend just a one book from these, "Fangirl" would definitely be the option. I got a bit annoyng in Cath's blog twists (you have to always read that before the new chapter), but that is okay - you don't have to read them to understand the story.

Moving on - YouTube. In this site, I spend a lot of time, trust me. Like, I'm subscribing 605 channels and for me, new YT video from my fave vloggers is like a celebration. Near the tea. Can you see some similarities with books? Now lots of youtubers have their own books (still waiting for Niomi Smart and then I will go crazy) and when I was in Latvia and bought the "Fangirl" I also saw Zoella's (Zoe Sugg) debut "Girl Online". Same reaction - bloggers world. And this time, even a word "blog" is more similar to me ('cause in this story it's more personal than in "Fangirl"). The all plot wasn't too much psychological, philosophical or the one, after reading it you have to think a lot - no. Very simple, easy text, reminds me "High school" type movies. Now, this book is also translated into Lithuanian, but seriously, if it costs similar (in Lithuanian Oxford's bookshop there is this book), maybe you should try to read in English - it won't be just a simple pleasure, you will learn something more (I mean English) from it. And I suggest to read more difficult books in Lithuanian. Anyway, still recommended, especially I would suggest to read this as a first not adapted book, because it is simple. And now, I'm waiting the moment, when I'll buy the second Zoella's book (also Tanya's Burr) - "Girl Online on Tour".

And the third book that actually, I finished a few weeks ago is written by Kody Kemplinger and called "The Duff". Even the name of it, brings me back wonderful memories from the last year, when me and Austėja have a relaxation weekend - went to cinema to watch "The Duff" then came to her house, made some homemade ice cream and pizzas, watch some more movies and of course, talked about boys, as usual. Kinda miss those cozy nights and wishing to have them in the future, but talking about book it was pretty interesting. Like I didn't expected that the story goes in very different way than in the movie, but maybe that and was nice, because I din't know, what's going next. So if you're from those, who can't read a book, because saw a movie - no worries. Of course, when I read the book I was imagining the faces, that I saw in film, but c'mon Wesley's face in my head isn't a problem. And good point, that I want to mention about this book - Casey, Bianca's friens is 6ft1inch, so it's a bonus for tall girls like me, to help self confident. You're welcome!
Talking about English levels in these books - of course, there were some unknown words, especially in "The Duff", because the main Character was a really clever chick, as I mentioned before. I translated some words, but really, if you want just enjoy the story - you don't need to sit near the Oxford dictionary and read all the definition. And you can't say that you are not learning in this way - new phrases, tenses and etc. are still a good thing and the most important - this activity is pleasure! For me, even 3 books helped a lot and I can't wait to read the next ones!

Have you ever read an English not adapted book? Maybe you have some recommendation. Please, tell me, I'd like to know and I'm saying goodnight for tonight!


Anonymous said...

Hey, Simona! It's always nice to hear from you! I love your blog so much <3
Talking about the books, well, I could recommend you one book,which is called "If I stay" by Gayle Forman. I think you'll love it!..

Simona ( said...

Ahhh, such a lovely comment, thanks!!!
I've read it, but in Lithuanian. :D Still thanks for recommendation!:)

Gabija said...

Aaah, nerealiai pavydžiu (in a good way, ofc :D) "Fangirl" ir "The Duff" knygų - pati ieškojau ir pdf/epub formatais, ir spausdintų knygų, bet, deja, nepasisekė.
Tačiau dar labiau motyvavai perskaityt šias knygas, todėl reikės nenuleisti rankų ir ieškot :D ^^

Simona ( said...

Gabija, labassss! Malonu labai!
Šiaip visada yra Amazon bei eBay("The Duff" mano draugė ir įsigijo) - kainuoja, tačiau ji rado su free shipping'u. Pati taip daryčiau, bet eh, aš ir tos visos technologijos nesam pakankamai suderinami dalykai.
Kitas, neseniai atrastas būdas gauti English knygučių - Oxford'o knygynas Vilniuj (tiksliai nepamenu pavadinimo, bet jei svečiuosies kažkada sostinėje, jis randasi trakų gatvėj ir praeivių paklausinėjus angliško knygyno tikrai jį atrasi). :)

Gabija said...

O, už knygyną labai ačiū! Nežinau, ar per kelionę į knygų mugę pavyks paieškot jo, bet vėliau kada būtinai reikės nuvykti ^^
P. S. Esu labai retas svečias komentarų skilty, tačiau perskaitau kiekvieną įrašą ir visi be galo patinka. Jokiu būdu nenustok rašyti!

Simona ( said...

Jis vadinasi HUMANITAS ir turetu būti knygu mugej (bent anksciau visada budavo), tai ir ten turetu but kul knygu.
Aciu, aciu, aciu dar kartaaaa!:))))